If you need help with a loan to finance a deal, this is not our expertise. Therefore, we have formed a collaboration with Vertus Capital who specialise in providing independent capital to the adviser market. Most importantly, they understand that a traditional financial underwriting approach, based on balance sheet strength, is not appropriate for a growing professional services firm. They understand how to lend against future cash flow.

Vertus exists to enable like-minded, responsible succession deals to take place. Their unique approach to succession deals helps you put client continuity first, thereby enabling a better deal for all parties. By doing this it preserves the quality of the service provided to consumers for the benefit of all.

The deals are structured as business loans designed to enable internal deals (management buyouts) or third-party acquisitions of all shapes and sizes. Vertus are bespoke in their approach, which allows support for deals which otherwise could not be funded.

You can find out a bit more about Vertus by watching the video below.